Name: Planets
 Published: 8/18/2017
 Updated: 06-28-2022
 Copyright: © 2017 Flagship Industries, Inc.
 Description: A simple theme with animated mute bar buttons. The theme boasts two appearances for each of the planets, with unique message animations based on a satellite sent to observe them.

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Requires Ventrilo Client version 4.1.3 or newer.

A simple theme with animated mute bar buttons and appearances based on our solar systems planets. The theme boasts two appearances for each of the planets, with unique message animations based on a satellite sent to observe them. Each of the satellites are simplified renditions.


Venus = ESA's Venus Express

Earth = Sputnik 1

Mars = Mars Climate Orbiter

Jupiter = Pioneer 10

Saturn = Cassini-Huygens

Uranus = Voyager 2

Neptune = Voyager 2



Example 1

Example 2

Example 3

Example 4

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