Name: LavaLeapers
 Published: 06-28-2022
 Copyright: © 2022 Flagship Industries, Inc.
 Description: Arcade style theme featuring a game in which you jump from platform to platform, collecting coins and avoiding lava. Pick between two characters and score as high as possible before running out of hearts.

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Requires Ventrilo Client version 4.1.3 or newer.

Arcade style theme featuring a game in which you jump from platform to platform, collecting coins and avoiding lava. Pick between two characters and score as high as possible before running out of hearts. Platforms will constantly shift downward into the lava, and fireballs will shoot up at regular intervals. Coins come in gold and blue, with the blue being rarer and worth more points. The game ends when the players heart total reaches zero.


Example 1

Example 2

Example 3

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