Name: Illusion
 Published: 06-28-2022
 Copyright: © 2022 Flagship Industries, Inc.
 Description: Theme that uses rotating color sequences to simulate movement. The buttons on the top and bottom border toggle different image sets that appear to move around. Contains bright flashing images.

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Requires Ventrilo Client version 4.1.3 or newer.

Theme that uses rotating color sequences to simulate movement. Toggling the buttons on the top and bottom borders swaps between a variety of images sequences, from rotating fire to simple characters. These sequences use the Reverse Phi Illusion to simulate motion, but are actually just a set of 5 images that play in order. The images used in this theme are bright and flashy, so they start in an off state, and there is a reset button to disable them.


Example 1

Example 2

Example 3

Example 4

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